The role of the National Advocacy Group for Women on Temporary Visas Experiencing Violence (National Advocacy Group) is to advocate for Government policy reform and access to more extensive support entitlements and services for women (and their dependents) experiencing any form of violence while on a temporary visa in Australia. 

In an open letter to parliamentarians and politicians, the National Advocacy Group for Women on Temporary Visas Experiencing Violence details four key areas of reform needed to better support women in relation to the migration system, eligibility for social security and Medicare, funding for specialist services, and access to social housing.  Download the letter here

The group was established in June 2018 by a coalition of advocacy organisations and service providers across Australia.

ACHRH is proud to be an active member of this National Advocacy Group.

The aims of the National Advocacy Group are:

  • To act collectively to advocate for women and their dependants,  experiencing any form of gender-based violence who are in Australia on a temporary visa.
  • To direct advocacy towards relevant decision makers, such as government departments and politicians, particularly Ministers and Shadow Ministers.

Read More Here:

Path-to-Nowhere-Report.pdf 2018

Blueprint-for-reform-2022- FINAL REPORT